
I have no idea why anyone would want to read this ridicullious c*&@ that I write because I am bored, but this blog is about stuff. You know Israel, cooking, family life, politics, entertainment...stuff. Whatever is on my mind! Enjoy!

Monday, February 06, 2006

The Morning After

Well -- the Super Bowl has come and gone, and now Detroit must return to normal.

This weekend in Motown was filled with hot parties (Maxim, Playboy, Spin, Shady Records, P Diddy's Cashmere party, SI, etc....), celeb sightings, fanfests, tailgaters and, of course, football!

What did I do all weekend? I stayed at home avoiding the weather and the crowds. I know that doesn't sound too exciting, but it's winter in Michigan for crying out loud! I just don't understand the crazy people who stood outside in freezing cold temps, and icy, rainy, snowy weather all weekend, in hopes of being chosen to pay hundreds of dollars, to get into a party, where they might see someone famous. I barely understand the fans who stood for up to an hour in arctic windchills to get into Ford Field on Sunday.

I did watch the game however. From my warm, comfortable chair in my warm, comfortable house. It was an OK game as far as football games go. I could barely hear part of the half-time show because of the fighter jets flying over my house, but, from what I did hear, Mick was sounding a little weak. The commercials were pretty good, but not as good as previous years. My fave was the Sprint locker room commercial.

I know a lot of people were complaining that it was almost sacrelige that the half-time show wasn't all Motown. Apparently those people missed the pre-game show. In all, this Super Bowl will go down in history as the only one in which every single entertainer was a card carrying member of the AARP.

All good things must come to an end, however, and now life is returning to normal here. The weather this week is supposed to be chilly (surprise, surprise), and I have way to much to do (unfortunately much of it involves going out in the cold). So I will continue my partial hibernation while looking forward to the arrival of spring (which is usually sometime in May).
