
I have no idea why anyone would want to read this ridicullious c*&@ that I write because I am bored, but this blog is about stuff. You know Israel, cooking, family life, politics, entertainment...stuff. Whatever is on my mind! Enjoy!

Monday, February 21, 2005

Pass this on

Perhaps (as one person comments)only 5 people are reading my blog (I have no idea how many actually are), but if they tell 5 and they tell 5...

Anyhow check out the site for Jewish Unity Live, and if you know anyone who might be interested and who is in one of those cities, pass it on to them. Looks like a lot of fun. Unfortunately there won't be one in Detroit.


Paris Hilton's Side Kick

Apparently the country's favorite ditzy blonde has struck again. Roumor has it that Paris Hilton's Side Kick has been hacked.

This story is of interest to me why? Well I have T-mobile, along with T-zones. One of the main reasons I purchased the phone I have is becuase of its Bluetooth compatibility. A week after I bought my phone (not a sidekick), I started reading and hearing that if you have Bluetooth, and another phone near you also has it, you could pick-up their pictures and address book on your phone. I just assumed that was what happened with Paris.

After seeing this story on the Drudge, I googled "Paris Hilton and sideick" My investigation led me to several sites who were "asked" by the Secret Service to remove the information. (I didn't get such treatment when my phone number reached the hands of pranksters.) Finally, one linked me to a site that confirms the drudge story (or at least appears to).

I won't post a link 1- because I am not in the mood to have a conversation with the FBI today, and 2- the site that posted it is, well, "not appropritate" in other ways.

In the end it doesen't appear that she was "Bluetoothed" at all. It looks like someone hacked into her t-mobile account (hence the FBI). Luckily I am of so little interest that I don't have to worry about this possibility!

Anyhow - I couldn't resist taking a peek, and among those on her list were Victoria Gotti (I wouldn't reccommend prank calling a Gotti), Nichole (of course), Twiggy, Bijou, "Party Guy," Lindsay Lohan, Avril Levin, Spanish Kitchen, Stephn King, Betty Davis Eyes, Christina Aguilera, Eggplant d*ke a**, and Fred Durst. Interesting I guess, but nothing very surprising there.

Also linked were her e-mails and her pictures. I know that she doesn't care about her privacy that much, but I'll let her have it anyway. She's just not that interestng to me.

Bottom line - don't keep anything on your t-mobile that you wouldn't want other people seeing.
